Green - Heating valve Red - Control unit Yellow - Small wind power plant Blue - Solar hot air collector


By designing optimal products for a given residential unit, the consumption of electricity can ideally be reduced to the necessary minimum. However, each project is specific, which may favor some solutions over others. Whether it is different sources of electricity, or control units optimizing consumption from the public network, we will find a suitable solution for your home as well.

The room is the key point in the design within the HOME architecture. The required temperature here is controlled by the main control unit, which controls all the sources connected in the system. The main goal of this architecture is to use the energy provided by its sources, such as hot-air panels or wind power plants, and to prioritize them over energy supplied from the public distribution network.

Suitable products
for architecture HOME

Renewable resources

Warrah 1

Warrah 1

Solar hot air collector
The additional source of thermal energy with the forced ventilation of a room of 1 m²...
Warrah 2

Warrah 2

Solar hot air collector
The additional source of thermal energy with the forced ventilation of a room of 2 m²...




Control unit
Local control unit in architecture HOME with a display and control interface...
GE-1000 A

GE-1000 A

Electrical power generator
1 000 VA three-phase permanent magnet AC power generator for variable use...